Slow Learner Quest

Weeknotes № 4

It's been a long time since I wrote anything.

There's a reason for this. I can explain. Let me explain... Oh wait, sorry were you waiting for me to explain?

I had a university 1 week break from August 14th - 18th. Perfect time to polish the app and launch it for beta. I programmed every single day. I even pulled all nighters. I barely launched for beta but bugs would pop up everywhere.

Carry on to the week after. I had a week long placement that was a 2 hour commute each way. I was already tired from the week before and the placement was draining. But I kept pushing.

Suddenly, it's the first week of September. I manage to submit to App Store, but get rejected because of in app purchase issues. I also took the time to think about the purpose of my app. I realised that I added too many features and competing in the wrong market. I tentatively begin a redesign.

This week I've been working hard on the redesign. However, I am starting to realise I am running out of time. Financially. Mentally. Physically. I've been pushing myself to the brink trying to manage coding and studying at the same time. It's getting to a point where it's becoming infeasible for me.

So essentially, I haven't been posting because every week I thought I can deliver soon. However, soon has stretched to an almost a month.

It's time to wrap things up. Exams are coming up so I will start studying for that. I plan to keep the app minimalistic before the launch and start adding more features after exams.